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Hillary Duff

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Hilary Duff (Хилари Дафф)

Хилари Дафф родилась 28 сентября 1987 года. Ей было только шесть лет, когда она начала заниматься танцами. В возрасте шести лет Хилари дебютировала на сцене в балете «Щелкунчик» в постановке балета Мет.

После съемок в телевизионных рекламных роликах обнаружила склонности к актерству и снялась в фильме «Каспер встречает Уэнди», где сыграла маленькую ведьмочку.

Она сыграла главную роль в фильме «Кадет Келли», который увидело наибольшее число зрителей за всю историю существования кабельного телевидения. Дафф можно было видеть в минисериале «Настоящие женщины» с Даной Делани и Рейчел Ли Кук в главных ролях, а так же в фильме «Soul Collector», который принес ей премию молодого актера в категории «Лучшая актриса второго плана». Она появилась в «гостевой» роли в одном из эпизодов сериала «Чикагская надежда».

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Национальную популярность Hilary Duff получила после того, как стала исполнительницей главной роли в сериале «Лиззи Макгуайр». Этот фильм собрал весной 2003 года более 40 миллионов долларов только в США. Но юная актриса отказалась от съемок в продолжении этого фильма. Поговаривают, что все произошло от слишком рьяного поведения её агентов, возглавляемых мамой девушки Сьюзан Дафф.

В 2003 году Дафф снялась в фильме «Агент Коди Бенкс», затем в киноверсии «Лиззи Макгуайер». В это же время Хилари пробует себя в новой роли — певицы, осенью 2002 года выходит её дебютный сингл с саундтрека к фильму «Лизи МакГуайр». После появления песня сразу же возглавила диснеевский чарт.

В августе 2003 года появляется альбом Хилари «Метаморфозы». В альбоме собраны песни разных стилей: от романтических баллад до рок-песен. Две композиции к альбому написала старшая сестра Хилари — Хайли Дафф.Некоторые из песен этого альбома принесли певице несколько музыкальных наград.

Хилари увлекается плаваньем, тай-бо и танцами в стиле хип-хоп. Она выступает в защиту животных и входит в Совет Благотвоительного детского фонда Одри Хепберн. Хилари в настоящее время главный характер на телевидении Диснея.

Хилари Дафф получила всемирное признание, как звезда канала Дисней, была номинирована на премию Эмми за участие в сериале «Лизи МакГуаэр» ("Lizzie McGuire"), где она играет тинэйджера, который попадает в непростой мир средней школы. Премьера «Лизи МакГуаэр» состоялась в январе 2001 года.

В мае 2003 Дафф исполнила ту же роль, только в широко экранной версии «Лизи МакГуаэр». После окончания средней школы Хиллридж, Лизи и её друзья отправляются в путешествие от школы, в Италию, где её принимают за местную рок звезду Изабеллу. Там Лизи, преобразовашись из гадкого тинэйджера в красивую поп звезду, познаёт чувство настоящей любви и дружбы. Она также исполняла одну из главных ролей в фильме "Cinderella Story", комедии о студентке Южно-Калифорнийской школы, которая из никудышного подростка превращается в самую популярную девушку в школе. Фильм выйдет на экраны летом 2004 года. Ранее Hilary Duff сыграла с Фрэнки Муницом в фильме «Агент Коди Бэнкс» ("Agent Cody Banks"). Там она была студенткой подготовительных курсов, которая разрывается между любовью к юному тайному агенту и своим отцом, учёным, пытающимся изобрести химическое вещество массового поражения. Дафф также играла в блокбастере «Кадет Келли» ("Cadet Kelly"), который считается самым удачным кино на канале Дисней, транслировавшимся как заграницу, так и по кабельному телевидению. Вышел он в 2002 году.

В августе этого года, Хилари Дафф попробовала себя в новом амплуа, в роли певицы. Её дебютный сингл «Я не могу ждать» ("I Can't Wait"), саундтрек к фильму «Лизи МакГуаэр», саундтрек от Дисней Рекордс. Песня сразу же после появления, возглавила диснеевский чарт, а альбом был признан золотым. Не успела она насладиться славой от первого альбома, как последовал второй с рождественской тематикой, под названием «Путь Санта Клауса» ("Santa Claus Lane"), записывающей студии Дисней. На альбоме Хилари поёт дуэтом с R&B, с попсовой певицей Кристиной Милиан и хип-хоп исполнителем Лил Ромео. Саундтрек к «Лизи МакГуаэр» дебютировал в чарте Биллборд на первом месте и к июню 2003 года стал платиновым. Хилари выпустила свой дебютный альбом, под названием «Метаморфозы» ("Metamorphosis") в августе, и уже на второй неделе он возглавил чарт Биллборд.

Дафф была номинирована на премию лучшей телевизионной актрисы на 15-ой ежегодной детской церемонии и получила её за роль всё в той же «Лизи МакГуаэр», которая становилась лучшим сериалом два года подряд, 2002 и 2003.

Дебют Дафф на сцене состоялся в возрасте шести лет в постановке "The Nutcracker". Её маленькая роль на коммерческом телевидении пробудила в ней желание сделать актёрскую карьеру, после этого она снялась в нескольких телевизионных проектах и фильмах. На телевидении, она участвовала в сериале «Настоящая женщина» ("True Women") с Даной Дилейни и Рэйчел Лей Кук, в «Коллекционере душ» ("Soul Collector"), который принёс ей награду, как лучшей молодой актрисе и в «Чикагских надеждах» ("Chicago Hope"). Также она снималась в "Playing by Heart" с Шоном Коннери, Дэнисом Куэйдом и с Джином Роулендсом; в удачной видео версии «Каспер встречает Уэнди» ("Casper Meets Wendy"), играет лучшего друга доброго привидения и в "Human Nature" с Тимом Робинсоном.

Своё свободное время Hilary Duff она проводит в двух городах, Хьюстоне и Лос-Анджелесе, вместе с родителями, сестрой и двумя собаками. Ей нравится плавание и катание на роликовых коньках. Дафф работала в отделе информации в фонде Audrey Hepburn Child Benefit Fund и была в совете Celebrity Council of Kids with a Cause.



Hilary Duff - Fly

Any moment, everything can change,
Feel the wind on your shoulder,
For a minute, all the world can wait,
Let go of your yesterday.

Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing?
And take control,

Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine,
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,
And start to try, cause it's your time,
Time to fly.

All your worries, leave them somewhere else,
Find a dream you can follow,
Reach for something, when there's nothing left,
And the world's feeling hollow.

Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing?
And take control,

Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine,
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,
And start to try, cause it's your time,
Time to fly.

And when you're down and feel alone,
Just want to run away,
Trust yourself and don't give up,
You know you better than anyone else,

Any moment, everything can change,
Feel the wind on your shoulder,
For a minute, all the world can wait,
Let go of yesterday,

Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine,
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,
And start to try,
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,
And start to try, cause it's your time,
Time to fly.

In a moment, everything can change.



Hilary Duff - Stranger

Nobody believes me when I tell them that you're out of your mind.
Nobody believes me when I tell them that there's so much you hide.
You treat me like a queen when we go out,
wanna show everyone what our love's about.
All wrapped up in me whenever there is a crowd,
But when no ones around;

There's no kindness in your eyes,
he way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person that I once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..

Did I ever do anything that was this cruel to you?
Did I ever make you wonder who was standing in the room?
You made yourself look perfect in everyway,
So when this goes down, I'm the one that will be blamed.
Your plan is working so you can just walk away,
Baby your secret's safe.

There's no kindness in your eyes,
he way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person that I once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..

Such a long way back, from this place we arrived.
When I think of all the time I've wasted, I could cry..

There's no kindness in your eyes,
he way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person that I once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..

There's no kindness in your eyes,
The way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person i once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..



Hilary Duff - Dignity

You got the hottes shoes (you got it)
You got this Jimmys Choes (you got it)
You never get in Blues
Its always All about you

You Tell me that Im glue
Because I be always for youuuuuu
And i Change for good
And I Over it With You

Change, show me your Dignity
Not play with my own fantasy
Trust in you, dont trust Her
Im the perfect girl

You have a Stu*** band
That calls GC, you write songs about me
Please get a Dignity

Please change, show me your dignity
Not play with my feelings
Trust in you, dont trust on Her
I got this song for show youuuuuu!
My dignityyyyyyyyyy......

You think that im a common person
You dont know that im in Love now
With a real boy
That you never going to Meet
Beacuse he is important to me
Is not you is not me

Dignity, dignity, ohhh my Dignity
Ohhh ohoh Please



Hilary Duff - With Love

I don't mind you telling me
What's been on your mind lately
I don't mind you speaking up

I know sometimes I can be
All wrapped up and into me
I can be in such a rush

Just slow me down
Slow me down
Tell me tomorrow everything will be around
Just slow me down
Slow me down
You're the one that keeps me on the ground

Baby you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love love love love
Tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'll be crushed
Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love

I can take your honesty
All your words weigh heavily
Listening to you all the time
I want to be there for you
The way you've been there for me
Always help me walk the line

Just slow me down
Slow me down
I know you will always be around

Baby you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love love love love
Tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'll be crushed
Just do it with love love love love

All this time we thought we knew eachother
Now that I am leaning on your shoulder
I can tell you baby that
You're right when you're right and
You're wrong when you're wrong and
I can be weak 'cause I know you are strong

Baby you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love love love love
Tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'll be crushed
Just do it with love love love love [x2]

Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love

Just do it with love love love love
Just do it with love



Hilary Duff - Danger

Were you born in 74? (Oh no)
Are you the kind of guy that I should ignore?
Will you give me all the things I need?
You probably never wear your heart on your sleeve
You intrigue me like no one before
It may be wrong to get to know you more
But I'm not sure
I'm so unsure

'Cause I see danger, danger, danger in your eyes
'Cause danger, danger, danger, you disguise
So baby lift your head up to the light
There's danger in those eyes
There's danger in your eyes

You belong to my darker side
You're a guy who sets a girl on fire
I can see myself falling in line
Like the hundred girls you had over time
And I want more
I am so sure
That I want more
I am so sure

[Repeat Chorus]

I'm smarter than this
And know better than this
'Cause there's something really missin' in your kiss
I'm smarter than this
And know better than this
But there's something that you got that is tough to resist
It's tough to resist

[Repeat Chorus]

There's danger in your eyes
You're dangerous
You're dangerous



Hilary Duff - Gypsy Woman

Was it a face that invaded your mind
A kind that wasn’t hard to find
She lets you think that you found her first
That’s how she works
Her sick and twisted gypsy curse
She can swallow knives
She can swallow lives
Golden black stare
But the night of your demise..

Try to runaway with the gypsy woman
Here today then gone for good
Can’t get away with a gypsy woman
Thought no one would know
Your secrets down below
But you can’t go
Can’t go with her
Can’t go
Can’t go with her
The gypsy woman

This is a favorite game to play
She’s got you stumbling
Talks with a grin
Cause she’s got no shame
Enjoy the fame
Bringing down the family name

Try to runaway with the gypsy woman
Good today then gone for good
Can’t get away with a gypsy woman
Thought no one would know
Your secrets down below
But you can’t go
Can’t go with her
Can’t go
Can’t go with her
The gypsy woman

She can rob you blind with just one look
From those eyes
Out of all the thieves that trained her
None of them could save her

Try to runaway with the gypsy woman
Here today then gone for good
Can’t get away with a gypsy woman
Thought no one would know
Your secrets down below
But you can’t go
Can’t go with her
Can’t go
Can’t go with her
The gypsy woman



Hilary Duff - Never Stop

Sometimes you feel your world is breaking down,
Baby don't stop.
There trouble everywhere, it's all around,
Baby don't stop.
Cause' I'm here to turn the corner with you,
And when we're together there's nothing that we can't do.

You signed my name on the wrong.
You put so much in my heart.
When the darkness rolls in,
I'll be there through thick and thin.
I want you to know,
I want you to know,
That I'll never stop loving you..
I hope that you know,
Wherever you go,
I'll never stop loving you..

When you're on the road all lonely and bloom,
Baby please stop.
Remember all the things we've been through,
All the good stuff.
Take all the notes you wrote to me,
And all the things that we believe,
People can't that we couldn't be,
But we never stop,
No we never stop!

You signed my name on the wrong.
You put so much in my heart.
When the darkness rolls in,
I'll be there through thick and thin.
I want you to know,
I want you to know,
That i'll never stop loving you..
I hope that you know,
Wherever you go,
I'll never stop loving you..

We made mistakes along the way,
But here we are,
Here we are!
Never stop, never stop, never stop!
Never stop, never stop, never stop!
Never stop, never stop, never stop!
Never stop, never stop, never stop!

You signed my name on the wrong.
You put so much in my heart.
When the darkness rolls in,
I'll be there through thick and thin.
I want you to know,
I want you to know,
That i'll never stop loving you..
I hope that you know,
Wherever you go,
I'll never stop loving you..

I want you to know,
I want you to know,
That i'll never stop loving you..
I hope that you know,
Wherever you go,
I'll never stop loving you..



Hilary Duff - No Work, All Play

La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
Some people go through life like it's a breeze
They float their way through days
And never feel the grey
In their tears filled
But they don't sing
Their typical merry marks
Not always from the heart
They live smiling
It's so easy
You're digging in
So what's living

No work all play
What a mistake
Let the clouds roll in and fill the sky
Get that meloncholy feel inside and
Work all yourself
To run from your bigger self
You don't have to slide
Life's not one big high

La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
Sometimes it's hard lookin' at yourself
You'd rather place the blame
Then point at your wrong way
I still do hide from my feelings myself
But I'm trying hard these days
Not to procrastinate
And face my fate
Stay on my game

[Repeat Chorus]

No one is perfect
No one's the same
We've all got problems
That we haven't faced
The challenges well
They'll make you strong
Don't put them off for too long

You gotta know yourself
To be yourself
You gotta do it all the way
You gotta know yourself
To be yourself
It's a struggle everyday
You gotta know yourself to be yourself
You gotta do it all the way
And it's a struggle everyday

[Repeat Chorus x2]

You gotta know yourself to be yourself
You gotta do it all the way
You gotta know yourself to be yourself
And it's a struggle everyday
You gotta know yourself to be yourself
You gotta do it all the way
You gotta know yourself to be yourself
And it's a struggle everyday
You gotta know yourself to be yourself
And it's a struggle everyday
You gotta know yourself to be yourself
And it's a struggle everyday



Hilary Duff - Between You And Me

You can call it what you want
But I'm not playing games
We're both apart of the same story
Not on the same page
And I see you standing there
With that dirty little stare
Well it freaks me out inside
So maybe you should just beware

My love is not up for negotiation
Hello doesn't mean an open invitation
Don't take it personally 'cause
You and me will know
So move on
Move on
Move on

Now I'm not saying you're not nice
Let me give you some advice
There's a girl across the room
Who'd kill to be with you tonight
She's been looking over here
And she's made it pretty clear
So don't lose your chance with her by trying to get so damn near me

[Repeat Chorus]

Oh here he comes
He never gets the hints
Never gets the hints
That I've given him
Oh there he goes
He's never gonna win
Never gonna win
He doesn't even know who he's trying to get with

[Repeat Chorus]
Move on
Move on
Move on



Hilary Duff - Dreamer

Bum [x16]
I'm at the grocery store and there you are just watchin' me
Bum [x10]
Pick up my clothes from the cleaners and look who I see
Bum [x10]
I try to loose you in my car but you won't go away,
Come on buddy don't you think you've overstayed your stay?
Don't you have better things to do with your life
Then hang around and stare at me and complicate mine?

Your eyes must burn so bad 'cuz you haven't blinked
You and me will never be if that's what you think.

Oh, you're such a dreamer
But I'm not a believer,
In all the things that you dream.

Stop watchin' me, stop watchin' me
[End of chorus]

Bum [x16]

I go to bed and I wake up isn't that interesting?
Bum [x10]
I brush my teeth, and feed my dogs, isn't that thrilling?
(Don't you think that that's thrilling, don't you think)
It must be fun to follow me pretending we're a thing,
It's just so messed up can't you see that you're just scaring me?


Don't you have better things to do with your life,
Then hang around and stare at me and complicate mine? [x2]




Hilary Duff - Happy

I understand why you're looking for tears in my eyes
Trust me they were there but now the well has been dried
I was in so deep but couldn’t get out
I sat on feelings I buried deep down
I knew there come a day when all eyes would cross
And glad its today cause now I am strong

I’m happy and I can thank myself
If it were up to you I’d be in my bed crying
But I’m happy and I know that makes you sad
After all the things you put me through
I’m finally getting over you

I’m happy, I’m happy

There is a reason why we met, I’m glad that we did
But when we broke up, I got back a part of me I really missed
They say you that you brought me down all the time
There were moments I lived without ??

I’m happy and I can thank myself
If it were up to you I’d be in my bed crying
But I’m happy and I know that makes you mad
After all the things you put me through
I’m finally getting over you

All the bitterness has passed
And I only wish you
Someone who could do what I can’t




Hilary Duff - Burned

What's wrong with me?
I get lonely in a crowd,
Everyone is smiling,
But I made myself left out.

I got an imaginary shield around me,
But nobody's ever really getting through.
I keep thinking that they're gonna break me free,
But they never do! (no)

When somebody's knockin,
When somebody wants me,
When somebody's trying to love me completely.
I get scared,
Don't know how it works.
Will somebody save me?
Or will I get burned?
Don't wanna get burned..

Is there thickness in the air?
Or are you heavy on my heart?
Why can't I just fit in?
Why can't I do what everyone else does?

People come around like a storm,
When you least expect them to.
For me I run for cover,
When I should really face the truth.

When somebody's knockin,
When somebody wants me,
When somebody's trying to love me completely.
I get scared,
Don't know how it works.
Will somebody save me?
Or will I get burned?

I don't wanna [repeat]

What's wrong with me?
I get lonely in a crowd.
Everyone is smiling,
But I made myself left out.

When somebody's knockin,
When somebody wants me,
When somebody's trying to love me completely.
I get scared,
Don't know how it works.
Will somebody save me?
Or will I get burned?

When somebody's knockin,
When somebody wants me.
When somebody's trying to love me completely.
I get scared,
Don't know how it works.
Will somebody save me?
Or will I get burned?

I get scared, (I get scared)
Don't know how it works. (Don't know how it works)
Will somebody save me? (Will somebody save me?)
Or will I get burned? (Or will I get burned?) [Repeat till end]



Hilary Duff - Outside Of You

I can't get your attention
And I'm so sick of it
I've got something to say to you
So shut up and listen
I don't want you to look past me
I want you to know who I am
I hate it when you ignore me
You just don't understand
See the funny thing is
You're just as useless as me
I can make you better
If you would just let me in

I'm outside of you
And I can't get through
No more looking for beauty that's dying inside me
Cant you see?
I'm outside of you
And I'm so confused
You keep missing the small things
The safety that love brings
Can't you see?

I'm outside of you

You're only plan to survive
It needs love and light to grow
I could be something beautiful
I guess you'll never know
See the funny thing is
You're just as lonely as me
We could be so much better
If you would just let me in

[Repeat Chorus]

And as you walk by me
I'm silently screaming to set me free
I look in the mirror
And I see your future
You look good with me
And as you walk by me
I'm silently screaming to set me free
I look in the mirror
And I see your future
You look good with me

[Repeat Chorus]

That I'm outside of you
I'm outside of you



Hilary Duff - Play With Fire

I can't believe it's really you
Been so long, you look good
I hear you're doing really well
Don't ask me, let me tell you
How I've been since when you left
Since you left me for dead

Finally every tear has dried
I've wiped you from my life

Do you remember all the times you said you'd call me
'Cause I remember all the reasons people warned me

And now I hear you saying that you still adore me
But if you think I'd ever get with you again
Then you can just

Love me, love me
Feed the flame
If you want me back again

Burn into the sky
Higher and higher
Baby, can you play with fire

(Burn into the sky)
Love me, love me
(Far into the sky)
If you want me

You never know just what you got
'Til it's gone, you freak out
But I'm not falling for that game
Boys like you never change
You made me feel I wasn't enough
Wasn't enough for your love

But it was insecurity that made you run
It wasn't me

So don't you sit there trying to
Give me more excuses
I don't have time for this
I'm off to play in Houston
And I'm too busy with the millions things I'm doing
You can't make up for what you've done
But you still try to be the one

Love me, love me
Feed the flame
If you want me back again

Burn into the sky
Higher and higher
Baby, can you play with fire

(Burn into the sky)
Love me, love me
(Far into the sky)
If you want me

Ooh, by the way, by the way
I've found someone who gives me space
Keeps me safe
Makes me sane
Found someone to take your place
Now I'm safe in his arms
And I decided only he can play with fire

Love me, Love me
Feed the flame
If you want me back again

Burn into the sky
Higher and higher
Baby, can you play with fire

I can't believe it's really you
(Love me, love me)
I hear you're doing really well
(If you want me)
Finally every tear has dried
(Love me, love me)
Can boys like you, boys like you
Play with fire



Hilary Duff - Beat Of My Heart

To the beat of my
To the beat of my
To the beat of my heart

I'm thinking about,
Letting it out.
I wanna give in,
I wanna go out.
Been looking around
I've finally found,
The rhythm of love,
The feeling of sound.
It's making a change,

The feeling is strange.
It's coming right back.
Right back in my range.
Not worried about anything else,
I'm waking up

To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart.

The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart.
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
Now I'm back to the start.
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,

I'm up from my down.
I turn it around.
I'm making it back,
I'm not gonna drown.
I'm taking a stance.
I won't miss a chance.
I want you to see
I'm not scared to dance.

The way that you feel
Could never be real.
I want you to know I finished the deal.
So I'm sayin to you
I'll always be true.
To the rhythm inside,

To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,


Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,

The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
Now I'm back to the start,


Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart.



Hilary Duff feat. Haylie Duff - Material Girls

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me
I think they're o.k.
If they don't give me proper credit
I just walk away

They can beg and they can plead
But they can't see the light
'Cause the boy with the cold hard cash
Is always mister right,

'Cause we are
Living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

Some boys romance, some boys slow dance
That's all right with me (That's all right with me)
If they can't raise my interest then i
Have to let them be

Some boys try and some boys lie but
I don't let them play
Only boys who save their pennies
Make my rainy day

'Cause they are
Living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

Living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world
Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world

Boys may come and boys may go
And that's all right you see

Experience has made me rich
And now they're after me,

'Cause everybody's
Living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

A material, a material, a material, a material world

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la



Hilary Duff - Supergirl

Who can make you mad
When you're having a blast
I can, I can

And who can pick you up
When you feelin' like you suck
I can, I can

And who knows what you think
Without you saying anything
I do, I do

Who had you figured out
And never had a doubt
I did, I did

Haven’t you heard?
I'm Super girl
You don’t wanna mess with me
I got your back
I know your every move
And I got everything you'll ever need

I can make you hang
On every single word
Like this, like this

It could be my vibe
Maybe its my mind
Could be my kiss, could be my kiss

But when I'm around you
There’s nothing I can't do
I'm at my best, I'm at my best

Well maybe I'm so good
Cause your standing in the room
You wish, you wish.

Haven’t you heard?
I'm Super girl
You don't wanna mess with me
I got your back
I know your every move
And I got everything you'll ever need

I'll take your headache away
I'll give you one another day
I'll be the reason that you live
I'll show you what you've always missed

Haven’t you heard?
I’m Super girl
You don't wanna mess with me
I got your back
I know your every move
And I got everything you'll ever need

I'm Super girl
You don't wanna mess with me
I got your back
I know your every move
And I got everything you'll ever need

I got everything



Hilary Duff - Wake Up

There's people talking
They talk about me
They know my name
They think they know everything
But they don't know anything
About me

Give me a dance floor
Give me a dj
Play me a record
Forget what they say
Cause I need to go
Need to getaway tonight

I put my makeup on a saturday night
I try and make it happen
Try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I'm living life day to day
It's never really easy but it's ok

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere I go
Yeah, tonight

The cities restless
It's all around me
People in motion
Sick of all the same routines
And they need to go
They need to get away

I put my makeup on a saturday night
I try and make it happen
Try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I'm living life day to day
It's never really easy but it's ok

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere I go
Yeah, tonight

People all around you
Everywhere that you go
People all around you
They don't really know you
Everybody watching like it's some kind of show
Everybody's watching
They don't really know you now
(They don't really know you)
(They don't really know you)
And forever

Wake Up Wake Up
(Wake Up Wake Up)
Wake Up Wake Up
(Wake Up Wake Up)

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere I go

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere
I go
Yeah, tonight


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